Ducatus Leodiensis

  • Shelved at SRQ 942.75 T391 and LF 942.75 T391.
  • See card catalogue, under THORESBY, RALPH.
  • Contains the pedigrees of many of the Nobility and Gentry, from records, original evidences, and manuscripts. The original edition of this book, in 1715, justified Ralph Thoresby's membership in the Royal Society, and displayed his erudition on England's Roman antiquities and coins (many of which are depicted here). Thoresby also owned a broad collection of "curiosities", from incunables to medical anomalies, which was ranked second only to Tradescant.
  • In the 2nd edition (1815-16), the continuation of the Pedigrees was principally done by Christopher Holland, and the additions to Part 2, "Musaeum Thoresbyanum", detail items added after 1715 to the time of the collection's dispersal. Also includes a Life of Thoresby. The first part of the 2nd edition contains the original writings of Ralph Thoresby with copious notes written by Dr. Whitaker giving both additional information and corrections to the original material. The second and third parts of the book contain the catalogue of Ralph Thoresby's museum, also written by Dr. Whitaker.

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