- Held at West Yorkshire Archives, Wakefield.
Subject Index
- Absent voters
- Adoption
- Aerial photos
- Air raids
- Airport
- Aldermen
- Archive film
- Army records
- Army records post-1922
- Assizes
- Back-to-back houses
- Bank area
- Bankruptcy
- Bar stones
- Barrage balloons
- Birth certificates
- Boyd's Marriage Index
- Braithwaite Collection
- Briggate
- British Army
- Burials index
- Burton's
- Byelaws
- Canadian records
- Car parks
- Car registration
- Castle of Leeds
- Catholic records
- Cause Papers
- Cemeteries: contact details
- Cemeteries: date opened
- Census dates
- Central Library
- Change of name
- Charters
- Childcare archive
- Children's homes records
- Church addresses
- Churches
- Civil registration
- Clocks
- Coat of Arms: Permission to reproduce
- Commonwealth War Graves Commission
- Conservation Area Map
- Convict transportation
- Coroner's reports
- Council Meeting Place
- Council papers
- Councillors: past
- Councillors: present
- Court records
- Criminals
- Crown Court records
- Culture Grid
- Currency conversion
- Dales
- Death certificates
- Dickens
- Divorce records
- Doctors
- Dublin census 1911
- Ducatus Leodiensis
- Dukes of Leeds
- Ecclesiastical Courts
- Electoral registers
- Electoral registers FAQ
- Electoral registers: who could vote?
- Electric lighting
- Electric Press
- Evacuation
- Executions
- Fairgrounds
- Film footage
- First World War
- Freemen of Leeds
- Gas
- General Register Office
- Geography of Leeds
- Goad maps
- Grand Theatre
- Grave types
- GRO Scotland
- Gypsies
- Harehills parishes
- Hark to Rover
- High Sheriffs
- History Pin
- House numbering
- Howard (Sydney)
- Infirmary Street
- Irish records
- Jewish cemeteries
- Jewish children in care
- Jewish records
- Job names
- Jurors lists
- Justice of the Peace
- Killingbeck Cemetery
- LAFH contact details
- Land Registry
- Lawnswood Cemetery
- Leeds Bowling Club
- Leeds Burials
- Leeds Corporation
- Leeds General Cemetery
- Leeds General Infirmary
- Leeds Grammar School
- Leeds Metropolitan District
- Leeds Regatta Society
- Leeds Rifles
- Leeds Town Hall
- Leeds: place name origin
- LEO photographs
- Liddle Collection
- Linstrum volumes
- Listed buildings
- London Gazette
- Lord Lieutenant
- Lord Mayors
- Magistrates: past
- Maps for sale
- Markets
- Marriage
- Marriage certificates
- Mayors
- McKenna Collection
- Military records
- Military records post-1922
- Military Sunday
- Missing in Action
- Motorways
- Name changes
- News UK website
- Old money
- Orphanages
- Otley Association
- Overseas BMD
- Parish Council records
- Pauper's graves
- Placenames: origin
- Police archives
- Postcodes
- Potted history of Leeds
- Prospect views of Leeds
- Quarry Hill Flats
- Quarter Blitz
- Reservoirs
- Riots
- Roebuck Collection
- Roman Yorkshire
- Russian records
- Scatcherd Collection
- Scottish records
- Second World War
- Slavery
- Smallpox
- Sporting Pink
- St Patrick's Cemetery
- St Peter's Cemetery
- Statues
- Steps in Central Library
- Stillbirths
- Stock Exchange
- Street locations
- Street names
- Strikes
- Successive
- Sykes Collection
- Telephone
- Thoresby Society index
- Tingalary
- Tithe maps
- Toll Bars
- Tourist attractions
- Town Hall
- Tracing living people
- Tram ancestors
- Trams
- Tramway Street
- Transportation
- Tussaud
- Twinned towns
- Typhus
- University of Leeds
- Victoria Cross
- Voters lists
- Voting rights
- Wakefield Prison records
- Wapentakes
- War graves
- War memorials
- War statistics
- Water cut
- Weather reports
- Wharfedale Viaduct
- White Rose Centre
- Wills
- Woodhouse Cemetery
- Workhouses
- WW1
- WW2
- WW2: Useful books
- Wyther: Venerable Bede
- York Diocesan Ecclesiastical Courts
- York Diocese
- Yorkshire Dales
- Yorkshire Day
- Yorkshire Indexers
- Yorkshire Toast
- Yorkshireman's Prayer